June Lynn

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Alimony Attorney at Lynn Law Firm

Call 770-212-9090 or visit lynnlawga.com to learn how we can help you. When spouses decide to divorce, discussions about alimony are often high priority. Alimony refers to the payment made from one party to the other for support after the divorce. Under Georgia law, spouses have the mutual duty to support each other during a…

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Expieriencing Abuse?

Call 770-212-9090 or visit lynnlawga.com to learn how we can help you.  A temporary protective order is a legal order issued by a judge that provides protection from violence or abuse. This type of order can provide victims with important protections, such as: Prohibiting the abuser from having any contact with the victim. Ordering the…

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Wanting To Adopt?

Call 770-212-9090 or visit lynnlawga.com to learn how we can help you. Adoption is the process whereby a person or couple assumes the parenting for another and permanently transfers all rights and responsibilities from the biological parent(s) onto themselves. If you are looking to adopt a child, call Lynn Law Firm to discuss your options…

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Looking to Change Your Name?

Call 770-212-9090 or visit lynnlawga.com to learn how we can help you.   If you are considering a name change, Lynn Law Firm can help. We offer name change services as part of our family law practice. Name changes can be for many reasons, including gender identity or  expression, marriage, divorce, or simply a preference…

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Firm Overview

Call 770-212-9090 or visit lynnlawga.com to learn more about our family law firm services.At Lynn Law Firm, we specialize in family law. Our services include the following:   Alimony Uncontested Divorce Adoption Child Support Contested Divorce Child Custody Guardianship Parental Abduction Child Abandonment Temporary Protective Order Name Change Mediation High Net Worth Divorce We understand…

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Name Change

Call 770-212-9090 or visit lynnlawga.com to learn more. The Lynn Law Firm specializes in family law and can help you through the entire name change process. We understand that this is a big decision, and we want to make sure that you have all the information you need to make the best choice for your…

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High Net Worth Divorce

Call 770-212-9090 or visit lynnlawga.com to learn more. High net worth divorces often involve more complex financial arrangements and assets. There may be more property to divide, including businesses, investments, and retirement accounts. And if there are children involved, child support and custody arrangements can be more complicated. If you’re facing a high net worth…

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Call 770-212-9090 or visit lynnlawga.com to learn more. If you are considering divorce, you may be wondering what the next steps are. One option that you have is mediation. Mediation is a process in which a neutral third party facilitates communication between two parties in order to reach a resolution. This can be helpful in…

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Alimony Attorney

  When spouses decide to divorce, discussions about alimony are often high priority. Alimony refers to the payment made from one party to the other for support after the divorce. Under Georgia law, spouses have the mutual duty to support each other during a marriage. After a marriage ends, a husband or wife may have…

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Child Support

  In Georgia, child support is defined as a payment made by a non-­custodial parent to the custodial parent, caregiver, or guardian for the care and support of their children. Child support can be ordered by the court as part of a divorce, separation, or between two unmarried people who have a child in a…

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